Lars Rain Gustafsson


Lars Rain Gustafsson

Nutritionist, Life Coach & Institute Builder Lars Rain Gustafsson Advocates the Power of “Three Simple Shifts That Last a Lifetime”

Reducing Health to These Elements Combats the Mental and Physical Stresses of Daily Modern Life

Lars Rain Gustafsson is also Founder of the BodyMind Institute and the UEXL Institute Offering Multiple & Cross-Discipline Certification Programs for Health Practitioners and More

Born to Canadian parents in a rain soaked interior tribal region in India, Lars Rain Gustafsson was ushered into a very simple lifestyle, with no electricity or running water, and none of the trappings of a modern life for his first 15 years. But his parents did instill all of the elements of health that enabled them to raise a robust and healthy family while living in a hut with little connection to the greater world at large. During this time, Lars’ passion and vision for a new education of the future was also formed.

His zeal for education combined with his commitment to those health practices has created a soaring career that is influencing individuals and health practitioners around the world. As an internationally renowned nutritionist, and founder of two worldwide acclaimed institutes that certify health practitioners in his and other urgently-needed health protocols, he has emerged as a powerful figure in reawakening the health of millions.


But his premise of Simple ShiftsThat Last a Lifetime— which anyone can do–emerged from his humble childhood and his growing alarm at people’s confusion resulting from the massive amount of information and misinformation on health that they face today.

When Lars began his nutrition career 25 years ago, things were simpler, but even then the number of nutrition books, articles and programs made nutrition conflicted and confusing. Today, that has turned into

Functional Nutrition Certification

“The confusion in nutrition,” says Lars, “surrounds the application of singular diet protocols within studies and by a confused population that  has moved away from some of the fundamentals that I call ‘the simple shifts that will last a lifetime.’ These Three Simple Shifts produce the same physiological, mental, emotional and spiritual outcomes for every person, every time.  While results vary, these core habits and strategies can shift the entire health paradigm.’”  

Realizing that he couldn’t reach enough people on his own, Lars formed the BodyMind Nutrition Certification in 2003 to provide other practitioners with the step-by-step guides and systems that would help them apply the ‘simple shifts that last a lifetime’ principle for themselves and with their clients, friends and family.  With the demand for this course spreading through the internet, Lars decided to form the BodyMind Institute to bring this course and others like it to the world.

Now, along with 12 other faculty members at the BodyMind Institute, a first of its kind multi-disciplinary course package in health protocols has been created.  This project took nine years to build, and has achieved Board Certification through the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.  

But remember Lars passion for education?… he perceives that “education must go through a very rapid revolution in order to keep up with the evolving multi-cultural and highly technological times in which we live and along with this a whole new lifestyle needs to accompany the needs and demands of people today in order to take in information, know how it applies, and assimilate it into a useful construct of being connected to oneself and to everyone else in a socially conscious, Mind-Body-Spirit way of being.”

So he then applied the learning methods and technology of the BodyMind Institute to a much wider horizon –transforming every aspect of a person’s life using The Simple Shifts philosophy– personal development, business, life education, health and career development.

Thus, his newest learning vehicle is the UEXL Platform.  It is the culmination of Lars’ lifetime of personal experience, education, research and life application condensed into a highly applicable interactive video education leading to a Board Certification. Expanding to embrace the expertise of other leaders, this network now has eight institutes that have launched in UEXL’s first year, and it is growing rapidly to form a network of Institutes and educators who will joint venture in the first worldwide education project to create ‘Simple Shifts that Last a Lifetime’ in every area of life, business and spirituality

You can take the “BodyMind Performance Certification as part of your Board Certification in Nutrition with the:WHOLISTIC NUTRITION MASTER PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATIONCLICK BELOW TO LEARN MORE.