Spiritual Productivity Tips that WORK!

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I’m always looking for ways to improve my productivity. This interesting article from www.businessvibes.com shares some great tips on ways to skip the daily distractions and get lots more done! LOVE IT!

Adding to the productivity tips provided in the article, here are more of my favorites:

  • Touch paper once: Toss, Share, File, or Take Action are the only four options for anything on your desk. Touch it once and keep going.
  • Work for 50 minutes and then take a 10 minute break. The last part of your break contains deep breathing exercises, water, and imagining yourself being very happy with the results of your next 50 minute work cycle.
  • Track your Daily Wins – things you accomplished and things that went well that day. Take ten minutes at the end of each day to track what worked, what needs to be done in order and in detail, and what your intentions are for the next day.
  • Start your day with deep breathing and reviewing your intentions for the day. Envision your day being highly successful and productive.
  • When something unpleasant happens, the most effective question to ask is, “Who has already solved this problem?” Reach out to contacts and make new connections to find solutions. Document the action steps you take to solve the problem so that you can delegate the solution next time.

What are your favorite productivity tips? Share your favorite in the comments.

Article by Elaine Starling, Faculty Member here at the BodyMind InstituteWebsite: www.why5percentsucceed.com

Elaine’s Accelerated Learning InstituteE-Course offered here at the BodyMind Institute: