For or Against?

In the personal development arena, victim thinking is a major issue. So many of us can’t help feeling that the whole world is against is. And, of course, if that’s what’s in our heads so the universal law of attraction applies, and we bring that very situation to us. All classic justifications for positive thinking. But is it as simple as that? Can we just switch our thoughts to more constructive ones?

It’s Time to Use Our Minds Differently

Are you tired of ‘business as usual’? Have you had enough of the same old ways of thinking and behaving that seems to make us all unhappy and unhealthy? If so, you are not alone! A growing number are committing to a process of ‘un-thinking’, of letting go old mental attachments and allowing; of using our innate wisdom, body-knowing and ways of knowing beyond the rational.

There’s No Denying It . . .

That powerful 1999 film East is East was shown on UK TV the other day: I’ve just watched it. Stunned. Timely. Timely because I’m in the throes of developing my approach to Emotional Intelligence (EI) and this painful story of deep cultural clashes highlights many of the issues prevalent in describing and improving our EI: our ability (or not) to relate to others at a deep and meaningful level.