Pediatrician-Approved Natural Remedies For The Flu

Flu season is right around the corner, and hopefully by now you’ve read my article on the Top Ways to Boost Your Child’s Immune System. But now you’re wondering, what if my kid actually gets the flu? Are there any natural options besides Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, Sudafed, or just waiting and watching? YES! If you understand how to use natural medicines, you CAN do something to not only help your child feel better, but to help her recover faster!

top-5-natural-remedies-childs-headache Elisa-Song

Top 5 Pediatrician-Approved Natural Remedies for Your Child’s Headache

If you’ve ever suffered from headaches, you know how awful they can be. I, knock-on-wood, don’t often get headaches, but the ones I’ve had have been doozies and I have endless empathy for kids and adults who get them on a regular basis. And of course, when your child has a headache, the first concern that might pop into some of your heads is that something could be wrong – really, really wrong.

Another Way to Evaluate Your Health

It’s hard not to live and die(t) by the scale. As a professional, I know better, but will admit to falling into the trap of living by the numbers on the scale. However, I’ve learned just how defeating those numbers can be when used as the sole basis for my state of health.

Questions to Ask your new Dentist

Life is a process of relationship. There is no life without relationship. So relationship is the basis of human existence. Relationship is the most important thing in life. Do you see the truth of that, not verbally, not intellectually, but actually with your heart and mind? Can you be aware, alert, so that you are watching your relationship and are learning from that awareness how you respond, what your reactions are?

Glycogen and You

Most people want more energy. Increased energy means better performance, longer endurance, greater reach of skill, more prolonged learning potential, and the stamina for profound depths of social interaction. Basically, more energy means more brain power. For the purpose of this post, I want to focus on the theme of executive functioning.

How to set you Goals to Get and Stay Fit Once and For All!

Have you ever wondered how you can actually have long-term success at changing your diet and fitness routine? The answer is: Make it a way of life, not just a diet or quick fix to solve a problem. It’s great to do a one-week fitness camp that’s really hard and kicks your butt, but as great as it is in the moment, it will not create lasting success. Success in anything lies in persistence.

How to stay fit while nursing?

One of the most common questions I get asked is – “Am I OK to be doing high intensity fitness training when I’m nursing?” My quick answer is “Yes!” I personally have two super healthy “fat” babies that were exclusively breast fed until 7/8 months old.

How I Stay Healthy Without Living In A Bubble

I have been in the wellness industry for almost 20 years, and the most dangerous thing I have seen is the “all or nothing” mindset. Sometimes, when you start an extreme diet with the intention of doing it forever, you can’t help but swing to the opposite extreme. One week you are eating 50 bananas a day and restricting your fat intake, and the next week you wind up binging on ice cream and french fries. Sound familiar? The popularity of extreme fad diets over the last decade has strengthened that mindset, even making it acceptable. Extremes can lead to self-sabotage or worse, orthorexia, which leads to isolation.

Running Is Melting My Fat

After running a marathon six years ago when my son Dom got leukemia, I always thought I would train for another one at some point. Time passed, and after a year or two, I didn’t run anymore. I let myself off the hook telling myself that I didn’t need to …