Trending Now: Quick and Easy Green Juice

One thing I hear over and over again from friends, co-workers, and students is that once they started drinking green juice, their lives changed for the better. I hear things like, “I just don’t feel right if I don’t have my green juice every day.” Or “I can get away with not eating super healthy as long as I drink a green juice most days.” Or “It’s the best hangover cure I’ve found!” Personally, drinking 1 to 2 pints of green juice in the morning keeps me feeling nourished, hydrated and mentally sharp. Yes, it’s that amazing!

How Green Juice Can Take You From 0 to 60 In Seconds

One thing I hear over and over again from friends, co-workers, and students is that once they started drinking green juice, their lives changed for the better. I hear things like, “I just don’t feel right if I don’t have my green juice every day.” Or “I can get away with not eating super healthy as long as I drink a green juice most days.” Or “It’s the best hangover cure I’ve found!” Personally, drinking 1 to 2 pints of green juice in the morning keeps me feeling nourished, hydrated and mentally sharp. Yes, it’s that amazing!

Intermittent Dry Fasting on Candida – Cleansing Green Juice Fast

Today is day 13 of my zero sugar green juice fast. I have days of feeling super great and energized and loving everything about my progress, then I have days where I want to lay on the couch and do nothing. It just depends on how deep in ketosis I am. Ketosis is when the body switches from burning glucose to burning fat. This is a good thing because the fat is where the toxins hang out, and it is also a direct competition between the good cells and the bad bacteria, parasites or fungus and if you keep at it, the good cells will win! Not to mention the side benefit of getting rid of excess fat and cellulite.

Green Juice, Coffee, and Travel

I keep teasing my partner Chris that I’m going to start a website called coffee and green I even have a song that I sing with a Jamaican accent when I happily dance around the kitchen with my juice in one hand and coffee in the other. Here is my thought process on this whole yin-yang balance thing: Green juice is highly alkalizing for the body and makes me feel super happy, joyful and high. Coffee is highly acidic for the body but also makes me feel super happy, warm, comforted and I get lots of stuff done. Both seem good to me.