Eliminate Unwanted Wrinkles and Restore Your Skin’s Radiance!

Where is that elusive fountain of youth? It seems that most people I talk to are looking for that fountain in a bottle that promises to erase fine lines and wrinkles. They want something they can apply to their skin and then watch the fine lines and wrinkles vanish before their eyes.

I must admit, I have done my fair share of running after the latest and greatest product that promised to give me the skin that I desperately wanted! I can tell you that I wasted a lot of money on those empty promises

Are You Suffering From Burnout?

Do you often crave a second cup of coffee mid-afternoon? Do you feel like you can’t get a grip on your stress and anxiety level? Perhaps you never feel rested even after sleeping. These are just a few hints that you may be dealing with adrenal fatigue.

How To Do An Enema?

Using water to clean the outside of the body is a well accepted fact of living. In an earlier time of history it was more commonly known that cleaning the inside of the body with water was the fastest way to lower a fever, alleviate abdominal pain and help ease …

3 Steps to Creating Your Perfect Body Inside and Out

If you are eating a diet high in raw plant foods and are suddenly (or still) experiencing an expanding waist line, I may have a couple answers for you. I have been exploring and playing in the raw, vegan realm over the past 16 years (since 1997), and after reaching 40 I couldn’t just eat whatever I wanted anymore and stay slim, even if it was raw. Since beginning a super high raw food diet (80-100% depending on the time of year), I have had multiple experienced with weight gain and loss over the years. When I was eating all or mostly raw plant foods which included raw desserts laden with fat, nuts, cacao and sweets such as honey, dates, agave and other dried, high glycemic fruits, I would get what I call “nut gut” and look and feel extremely bloated (to the point of looking and being asked if I was pregnant!).

Life After Fasting (Video)

I broke my feast/fast on my earthday birthday. Wow!!!! I feel amazing. It’s so great to have my body back. I’ve been running again the past 2 mornings and feel fantastic! What a ride. 🙂